September 17, 2021
Bryan Derek

Why attend Trade Shows in 2022?

2022 is around the corner, it is time for the return of Trade Shows!

COVID-19 had a severe impact on trade shows in 2020, most were postponed or cancelled. The surviving trade shows opted to conduct their events virtually. Innovation was the name of the game in 2021, trade shows, conferences, and conventions had to adapt and hold their events virtually. Accessibility to these events was high since your location did not matter.

How about 2022?

As the world slowly opens up, we expect more of these events to be held. More face-to-face events, and they would probably continue to offer virtual attendance to these events.

These are just our predictions for 2022, we’ll let the organizers figure out their logistics.

So, why attend? Are these events still worth attending? If so, is it better to attend physically or virtually?

Of course, it’s worth attending these events!

Here are the top 3 reasons why attending trade shows is important:

  1. Building Networks and Relationships
  2. Education and Feedback
  3. Starting a Wholesale Account

Building Networks and Relationships

Brands generally don’t get many chances to meet up with their clients, or potential clients. Amazon Sellers also don’t get to meet each other in person that often. Trade shows often are where you will get to meet many of these people.

It is always a good idea to build your relationships with these brands even if you currently don’t source from them or if they are competitors. Being more knowledgeable about the brands and their products is always advantageous for you.

Don’t forget to connect with other Amazon Sellers! Sharing information and experiences with each other is a great relationship builder plus you learn a lot from each other.

Education and Feedback

Trade shows can be a treasure trove not just of products but of education. There’s a lot of avenues of learning in trade shows. From fellow sellers, customers, brands, to mini-conferences inside the show. Educating yourself is always important in conducting business. There are always new findings, policies, and techniques that you can learn from others.

Plan your time at the trade show wisely as there is usually a range of scheduled seminars, some of which you might be interested in. Seminar topics can vary but are usually posted ahead of time so those attending can confirm which seminars they’ll attend. Though sometimes they have limited seating, so take that into consideration too.

Starting a Wholesale Account

We put this in the last not because it’s the least important but it’s the primary reason sellers who source wholesale attend trade shows, especially those just starting to source wholesale.

Trade shows are the prime “real estate” for sellers to gain direct contact with brands, manufacturers, and distributors. Their representatives prefer being able to communicate personally with potential clients.

Whether you are scouting or improving relationships with suppliers, trade shows are definitely a must-go event for you.

What are you waiting for? You can browse our list of trade shows or google trade shows specifically for your niche to find which trade shows you’d want to attend.

List of Trade Shows

This is not a list of all the trade shows happening in 2022. There are a lot more shows that are not on the list.












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